Census Materials
Mini - Census Report
Files | Size | Language |
VMC2016 Tables Volume 1 | 3.49 MB | English |
Files | Size | Language |
Malampa Factsheet | 1.45 MB | English |
Penama Factsheet | 1.08 MB | English |
Sanma Factsheet | 1.23 MB | English |
Shefa Factsheet | 0.96 MB | English |
Tafea Factsheet | 1.23 MB | English |
Torba Factsheet | 0.95 MB | English |
2016 Mini Census Main Report Vol 1
Infograph on Household Characteristics
Infograph on Population Characteristics
Provincial fact-Sheets
TORBA Fact-Sheets
The 2016 Post Pam mini census was carried out to update statistics on the population and socio-economic development, after the Tropical cyclone (TC) Pam, throughout all the provinces of Vanuatu. Population characteristic is vital information about Vanuatu and individual provinces. Torba province fact-sheet is a booklet that summarizes all information for torba in eleven (11) key topics. The topics are being summarize and presented in a form of key findings. The key findings are from the population information, housing information, education, information on labor, agriculture and forestry, livestock and fisheries, communication and energy, water and sanitation, disaster and lastly the information on registration. More than 40% (4,179) of the population of Torba province is made up of young people under the age of 15 years. About a quarter (2,460) of Torba population are between the age of 15-29 years and the percentage keeps decreasing as the age increases. Age group by sex shows that in Torba, there are about equal size of males compared to females at almost all age groups. There are only a slightly higher number of females in the age group of 15-29 The majority of the Torba population are from Vanua Lava area council, as presented in figure 3, with over 3,000 people. The least population, on the other hand, is from Ureparapara with the population less than 500 people. Housing or dwelling is defined as a structural building or shelter that houses a nuclear or an extended family. Housing materials in Vanuatu can be in the form of a traditional, modern or a makeshift style. Out of the total private households in Vanuatu, 3.5% (1,960) are counted in Torba province. The statistical definition of a ‘household (HH)’ in a census is: “a family that live together and share the cost and work of preparing a meal”. Table 2 shows that Merelava has the highest number of private households compared to the other area councils in Torba. On the other hand Vanua Lava is the most populated area council. The size of a household refers to the number of family members living together. This can be calculated as total number of population surveyed divided by the total number of households surveyed. For Example: In Torba total population (in private households) is 9,875 and the total private households is 1,960. Therefore, the average household size is: 9,875/1,960 = 5 person per household. The average household size of 5 person and below is higher in Mota compared to other area councils. The 2016 Mini Census questionnaire includes 2 questions pertaining to School Attendance. This applies to any person living in the household who had attended school or not. A person is considered to be involved in education if, during the survey week they attended any form of education either full time or part time. Majority of age 9 to 13 years old attended school during census period. Overall as the age increases, the number of population that attended school decreases. The sex ratio is simply the ratio of males to females in a population. The data is based on students currently attending school. In Torba Province, for every 100 females attending school there are 5 males more. 'Labour force' are the working-age population who during the survey reference week are classified as 'employed' and 'unemployed'. The Mini Census asked about the main activity during the last seven days. Main activity was asked to population aged 15 years and over under the following;TORBA PROVINCE KEY - FACTS
SANMA Fact-Sheets
The 2016 Post Pam mini census was carried out to update statistics on the population and socio-economic development, after the Tropical cyclone (TC) Pam, throughout all the provinces of Vanuatu. Population characteristic is vital information about Vanuatu and individual provinces. Sanma province fact-sheet is a booklet that summarizes all information for sanma province in eleven (11) key topics. The topics are being summarize and presented in a form of key findings. The key findings are from the population information, housing information, education, information on labor, agriculture and forestry, livestock and fisheries, communication and energy, water and sanitation, disaster and lastly the information on registration. Forty percent (20,765) of the population of Sanma province is made up of young people under the age of 15 years. About a quarter (14,105) of Sanma population is between age of 15-29 years and the percentage keeps decreasing as the age increases. Age group by sex shows that in Sanma, there are more males compared to females at almost all age groups. There are only a slightly higher number of females’ age group of 15-29 The majority of the Sanma population are from Luganville area council, as presented in figure 3, with over 15,000 (30%) people. The least population, on the other hand, is from North West Santo with the population less than 2,000 (3%) people. Housing or dwelling is defined as a structural building or shelter that houses a nuclear or an extended family. Housing materials in Vanuatu can be in the form of a traditional, modern or a makeshift style. The statistical definition of a ‘household (HH)’ used in a census is; “a family that live together and share the cost and work of preparing a meal”. Out of the total private households in Vanuatu, 19.4% (10,704) are counted in Sanma province, mostly centered in Luganville compared to other area councils. The size of a household refers to the number of family members living together. This can be calculated as total number of population surveyed divided by the total number of households surveyed. In Sanma the total population (in private households) is 52,145 and the total private households is 10,704. Therefore, the average household size is: 52,145/10,704 = 5 person per household. Figure 1 indicates that in West Malo the average household size is smaller compared to other area councils with the biggest household size in Luganville. The 2016 Mini Census questionnaire includes 2 questions pertaining to School Attendance. This applies to any person living in the household who had attended school. A person is considered to be involved in education if, during the survey week they attended any form of education either full time or part time. Majority of age 4 to 8 years old attended school during census period. Overall as the age increases, the number of population that attended school decreases. The sex ratio is simply the ratio of males to females in a population. This data is based on students currently attending. According to Sanma Province, there are more males attending school than females. 'Labour force' are the working-age population who during the survey reference week are classified as 'employed' and 'unemployed'. Figure 1 shows that 20 percent (29,099) of the total Labor force are in Sanma. The Mini Census asked main activity during the last seven days. Main activity was asked to population aged 15 years and over under the following type of activity;SANMA PROVINCE KEY - FACTS
MALAMPA Fact-Sheets
The 2016 Post Pam mini census was carried out to update statistics on the population and socio-economic development, after the Tropical cyclone (TC) Pam, throughout all the provinces of Vanuatu. Population characteristic is vital information about Vanuatu and individual provinces. Malampa province fact-sheet is a booklet that summarizes all information for malampa province in eleven (11) key topics. The topics are being summarize and presented in a form of key findings. The key findings are from the population information, housing information, education, information on labor, agriculture and forestry, livestock and fisheries, communication and energy, water and sanitation, disaster and lastly the information on registration. More than 40% of the population of Malampa province was made up of young people under the age of 15 years 16,443 (41%). However, the population decreased as the age increased. The results showed a decrease within the age group of 15-29 years old with a total of 8,786 (22%) people and the age group of 30-49 years with a total of 8,828 (22%) people. The least population was from the age group of 50+ years with a total population of 5,940 people. Age group by sex showed that in Malampa, there was about equal size of males compared to females at almost all age groups. However, there was only a slightly higher number of females in the age group of 15-29 and 30-49 years whereas males, on the other hand, were higher in the 0-14 age group and in the age group of 50+ . Majority of the population in Malampa province were from North east Malekula area council with over 7,000 people. The least population on the other hand, was found in Paama and South east Ambrym area council with less than 2,000 people. Housing or dwelling is defined as a structural building or shelter that houses a nuclear or an extended family. Most of the housing materials in Vanuatu takes the form of a traditional, modern or a makeshift style. Out of the total private households in Vanuatu, 16.1% (8,896) are counted in Malampa province. The statistical definition of a ‘household (HH)’ in a census is “a family that live together and share the cost and work of preparing a meal”. The most populated area council in Malampa is North East Malekula with 99.94% of the total private household. Paama on the other hand accomodates only 390 of the total private households of Malampa. The size of a household refers to the number of family members living together. This can be calculated as total number of population counted divided by the total number of households counted. For Example: In Malampa the total population (in private households) is 39,997 and the total private households is 8,896. The 2016 Mini Census questionnaire includes questions pertaining to School Attendance. This applies to any person living in the household who had attended school. A person is considered to be involved in education if, during the survey week they attended any form of education either full time or part time. Figure 1 shows that majority of school attendance were from the age group of 4 to 8 year olds. Overall as the age increased, the number of population that attended school decreased. The sex ratio is simply the ratio of males to females in a population. This sex ratio calculation is based on students currently attending school. In Malampa Province, more males attended school than females. Labour force' are the working-age population who during the survey reference week are classified as 'employed' and 'unemployed'. Figure 1 shows that 22,450 (15%) of the Labor force are in Malampa. The Mini Census asked main activity during the last seven days. Main activity was asked to population aged 15 years and over under the following type of activity;MALAMPA PROVINCE KEY - FACTS
PENAMA Fact-Sheets
The 2016 Post Pam mini census was carried out to update statistics on the population and socio-economic development, after the Tropical cyclone (TC) Pam, throughout all the provinces of Vanuatu. Population characteristic is vital information about Vanuatu and individual provinces. Penama province fact-sheet is a booklet that summarizes all information for penama province in eleven (11) key topics. The topics are being summarize and presented in a form of key findings. The key findings are from the population information, housing information, education, information on labor, agriculture and forestry, livestock and fisheries, communication and energy, water and sanitation, disaster and lastly the information on registration. Nearly half the population of Penama province is made up of young people under the age of 15 years. On the other hand, the population between ages of 15-29 years is 6,789 (22%) and 30-49 years of age is 6,654 (21%) which is below the total population of between 0-14 age group. Moreover, the percentage decreases for the age of 50+. Refer to figure 1 for percentage results of age groups being mentioned. Age group by sex shows that in Penama province, there are only a slightly higher number of males in all age groups than females (as shown in figure 2) except for age 15-29. Ages 15 to 29 shows that the number of females is slightly higher than the number of males. The majority of Penama populations are from North Pentecost area council as presented in figure 3 with over 5,000 people followed by South Pentecost area council with less than 5,000 people. The least population is found in South Maewo area council with a population of less than 2,000 people. Housing or dwelling is defined as a structural building or shelter that houses a nuclear or an extended family. Most of the housing materials in Vanuatu takes the form of a traditional, modern or a makeshift style. Out of the total private households in Vanuatu, 12.6% (6,959) are counted in Penama province. The statistical definition of a ‘household (HH)’ in a census is “a family that live together and share the cost and work of preparing a meal”. One of the highlights in table 2 shows that all the households (100%) in Central Pentecost are private households with no institutions or mobile households. All other nine area councils also shows that private households are being dominant with less number of institution or mobile households. The size of a household refers to the number of family members living together. This can be calculated as total number of population surveyed divided by the total number of households surveyed. For Example: In Penama the total population (in private households) is 31,334 and the total private households is 6,959. Therefore, the average household size is: 31,334/6,959 = 5 person per household. The 2016 Mini Census questionnaire includes questions pertaining to School Attendance. This applies to any person living in the household who had attended school. A person is considered to be involved in education if, during the survey week they attended any form of education either full time or part time. Penama statistics of children that attended school shows that majority fall at Primary Level with over 7,900 (92%) children. Area Councils with most primary students are from North Pentecost with 1,693 (21%) students. South Pentecost with 1,090 (14%) students and West Ambae with over 1,000 primary students attending Primary Schools. Whereas the rest of the Area Councils had less than 1,000 (13%) attending school. The sex ratio is simply the ratio of males to females in a population. Sex ratio tends to show if more females or males are attending school. According to Penama Province, there are more males than females attending school. 'Labour force' are the working-age population who during the survey reference week were classified as 'employed' and 'unemployed'. The Mini Census asked main activity during the last seven days. Main activity was asked to population aged 15 years and over under the following type of activity;PENAMA PROVINCE KEY - FACTS
SHEFAA Fact-Sheets
The 2016 Post Pam mini census was carried out to update statistics on the population and socio-economic development, after the Tropical cyclone (TC) Pam, throughout all the provinces of Vanuatu. Population characteristic is vital information about Vanuatu and individual provinces. Shefa province fact-sheet is a booklet that summarizes all information for shefa province in eleven (11) key topics. The topics are being summarize and presented in a form of key findings. The key findings are from the population information, housing information, education, information on labor, agriculture and forestry, livestock and fisheries, communication and energy, water and sanitation, disaster and lastly the information on registration. More than 40% of the population of Shefa is made up of the age of 30 to 49. The age group of 15 to 29 and the ages below 15 have less than 30% of population whereas the ages of 50+ have the least percentage Age group by sex shows that in Shefa there are about equal size of males compared to females at almost all age groups. However, the number of males is slightly higher than the number of females. In Shefa province, Efate is the most populated island with about eighty four thousand people compared to other islands within the province as presented in figure 3. This means that Efate constitutes 87% of Shefa Population. The least populated island, on the other hand, is the outer islands of Efate with two thousand people. Housing or dwelling is defined as a structural building or shelter that houses a nuclear or an extended family. Housing materials in Vanuatu can be in the form of a traditional, modern or a makeshift style. Out of the total private households in Vanuatu, 36% (19,913) are counted in Shefa province. The statistical definition of a ‘household (HH)’ in a census is “a family that live together and share the cost and work of preparing a meal”. The size of a household refers to the number of family members living together. This can be calculated as total number of population surveyed divided by the total number of households surveyed. For Example: In Shefa, total population (in private households) is 96,405 and the total private households is 19,913. Therefore, the average household size is: 96,405/19,913 = 5 person per household. Like all other provinces, almost 20% (3,595) of the total private households are headed by women (Figure 2). Usually males are the household head as shown in most provinces including Shefa. The highest number of female headed households are common in household with only 1 person living in the house. Shefa has shown otherwise that female headed households are more common in household with household size of 3 person and this is not likely for the males. The male headed households increase with the household size in Shefa and are at its highest with household size of 4 person. The 2016 Mini Census questionnaire includes 2 questions pertaining to School Attendance. This applies to any person living in the household who had attended school. A person is considered to be involved in education if, during the survey week they attended any form of education either full time or part time. Figure 1 shows that majority of children aged 4 to 8 years old attended school during census period. Overall as the age increases, the number of population that attended school decreases. Shefa statistics of children that attended school shows that majority are at the Primary Level with over 19 thousand children. Compared with the other levels, primary accounts for 76% of children attending school. The Area Council with most primary children is Port Vila with over nine thousand children. Both Erakor and Eratap had over one thousand children while all other area councils had lower than that. 'Labour force' are the working-age population who during the survey reference week are classified as 'employed' and 'unemployed'. Figure 1 shows that 37 percent of the Labor force are in Shefa. The Mini Census asked main activity during the last seven days. Main activity was asked to population aged 15 years and over under the following type of activity;SHEFA PROVINCE KEY - FACTS
TAFEA Fact-Sheets
The 2016 Post Pam mini census was carried out to update statistics on the population and socio-economic development, after the Tropical cyclone (TC) Pam, throughout all the provinces of Vanuatu. Population characteristic is vital information about Vanuatu and individual provinces. Tafea province fact-sheet is a booklet that summarizes all information for Tafea province in eleven (11) key topics. The topics are being summarize and presented in a form of key findings. The key findings are from the population information, housing information, education, information on labor, agriculture and forestry, livestock and fisheries, communication and energy, water and sanitation, disaster and lastly the information on registration. Tafea province has a youthful population with 46% of the population under the age of 15 years of age. About a quarter of Tafea population are between the age of 15- 29 years and the percentage keeps decreasing as the age increases. Age group by sex showed an interesting analysis. In Tafea, there are more males in the younger and older age groups while females dominated the population in the two middle groups 15-29 & 30-49. Presenting Tafea population by Area council showed that majority of the population are from Tanna area councils with high proportion compared to the outer islands. West Tanna stood tall with over 8,000 people while Aniwa maintain as low as below 500. Housing or dwelling is defined as a structural building or shelter that houses a nuclear or an extended family. Housing materials in Vanuatu can be in the form of a traditional, modern or a makeshift style. The statistical definition of a household (HH) in a census is ”a family that live together and share the cost and work of preparing a meal”. Out of the total private households in Vanuatu, 12% (6,853) are counted in Tafea province (Table 1). Table 2 showed that Tanna island has the highest number of private households (87%) compared to the outer islands in Tafea. The size of a household refers to the number of family members living together. This can be calculated as total number of population surveyed divided by the total number of households surveyed. For Example: In Tafea total population (in private households) is 36,799 and the total private households is 6,853. Therefore, the average household size is: 36,799/6,853 = 5 person per household. The 2016 Mini Census questionnaire includes 2 questions pertaining to School Attendance. These questions were asked to household member living in the household that did or did not attend school. A person is considered to be in education if, during the survey week, they attended any form of education either full time or part time. Figure 1 shows that majority of age 4 to 13 years old attended school during the census period. On the other hand majority of age 23 to 30 do not attend school. Overall as the age increases, the number of population that attended school decreases. Tafea statistics of children that attended school shows that majority of the student falls in the Primary Level with over nine thousand children (see Table 2). The area council with most primary students is West Tanna with just over two thousand children. Middle bush Tanna, Whitesands, North Tanna and South West Tanna had over 1,000 primary students and the rest of the area councils had under 500 students attending Primary Schools. The least is from Aniwa area council with 104 primary students. 'Labour force' are the working-age population who during the survey reference week are classified as 'employed' and 'unemployed'. The Mini Census asked main activity during the last seven days. Main activity was asked to population aged 15 years and over and type of activity which were;TAFEA PROVINCE KEY - FACTS