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Statistics Act No.7 Of 2022

1. Intoduction

Welcome to the Vanuatu Bureau of Statistics' guide to the Statistics Act No. 7 of 2022. This legislation serves as the backbone for statistical activities in Vanuatu, playing a pivotal role in the collection, analysis, and dissemination of crucial data.

2. Overview of the Act

The Statistics Act No. 7 of 2022 stands as a comprehensive framework designed to govern statistical endeavors in Vanuatu. This section offers a concise yet thorough overview of the Act, highlighting its key provisions and objectives. Dive into the high-level understanding of the Act's scope and significance, providing a foundation for comprehending its impact on the nation's statistical landscape.

3. Key Provisions

Explore the intricate details of the Statistics Act by delving into its key provisions. This section breaks down the Act into digestible portions, with dedicated subheadings for major sections:

  • Census and Surveys (Sections 26-29)
    Discover the protocols and procedures governing censuses, surveys, and the collection of administrative records. Learn how the Chief Statistician prescribes methods and approves forms to ensure accurate data collection.
  • Confidentiality of Records (Section 31)
    Understand the paramount importance placed on confidentiality. Explore how officers safeguard statistical records and the Chief Statistician's role in determining actions to mitigate impacts and prevent unauthorized access.
  • Offences (Section 33)
    Uncover the legal implications of non-compliance. Delve into the offenses outlined in Section 33, including penalties for refusal to provide information, false reporting, and breaches of confidentiality.
  • Miscellaneous Provisions (Sections 35-43)
    Explore miscellaneous aspects of the Act, including immunity, delegation of functions and powers, privileged records, standards, and reporting requirements.

4. Schedule

The Schedule is a vital component of the Statistics Act, outlining specific statistical activities integral to censuses and surveys. Gain insights into the diverse range of data categories covered, from demographic and social statistics to economic and environmental domains. This section provides a comprehensive understanding of the statistical landscape defined by the Act, laying the foundation for informed decision-making.

5. Compliance and Responsibilities

Compliance with the Statistics Act No. 7 of 2022 is essential for individuals, households, businesses, and entities in Vanuatu. This section outlines the specific responsibilities assigned to each group, emphasizing the importance of adherence to ensure the accuracy and reliability of statistical data. By understanding and fulfilling these obligations, stakeholders actively contribute to the effectiveness of the nation's statistical activities.

6. Confidentiality and Data Security

Ensuring the confidentiality of records and the security of collected data is a top priority under the Statistics Act. This section illuminates the robust measures in place to safeguard sensitive information. From secure record-keeping to controlled access, these protocols are designed to instill confidence in respondents and guarantee the integrity of statistical processes.

7. Penalties

Non-compliance with the Statistics Act comes with serious consequences. This section elucidates the penalties associated with offenses outlined in the Act. By clearly explaining the legal ramifications of refusing to provide information, falsifying records, or breaching confidentiality, stakeholders are reminded of the gravity of their responsibilities.

8. Immunity and Delegation

Officers entrusted with statistical duties are granted immunity for actions carried out in good faith. This section explores the safeguards in place to protect officers executing their functions. Additionally, the Chief Statistician's authority to delegate functions is discussed, showcasing the flexibility and efficiency of the statistical framework.

9. Reporting

This section details the Chief Statistician's obligation to furnish a comprehensive report to the Minister within three months after each year's conclusion. By offering transparency and accountability, this reporting mechanism ensures stakeholders stay informed about the Bureau's activities and achievements.

Download the Act

For those seeking an in-depth understanding of the Statistics Act No. 7 of 2022, you can download the pdf version of the act from below download button.

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